Progress or Nah?

Little to no progress? Not seeing a difference with your body in your fitness journey? Don’t get frustrated, get smart.

 It can be easy to get discouraged if you're reaching a plateau. This short post is really more for noobs and not advanced fitsters. So, if you're toward the beginning of your fitness journey, read on!

 It can be easy to get discouraged if you’re reaching a plateau. This short post is really more for noobs and not advanced fitsters. So, if you’re toward the beginning of your fitness journey, read on!

Think about what you’re doing. Are you consistent? Are you getting enough rest and water? While you train/exercise, Are you pushing yourself, or just going through the motions? You have the potential to reach your goal and look how you want, but your mind is your greatest limitation. You know how some people say “getting to the gym is the hardest part”? Well that also means more than once every week or so. Basically, if you’re hoping that one weekly yoga or Zumba class with give you a drastic body transformation, I’ve got bad news for you. Nothing against those AT ALL… But the other 6 days of the week will easily overpower that one hour of good intentions. So either add to that one day class or admit that you mainly go for the social experience. (Unless thst one hour is an INSANITY or P90X… As long as your diet doesn’t suck, you’re gonna see SOME kind of change!)


What you choose to eat makes a difference, and frequency also matters. (Hint: don’t eat less, eat better) This is just a short post to encourage you to keep going, and examine your methods and processes. Start being more intentional. If you’re not seeing what you want to see in the mirror, step back and look at your habits. I bet you’ll find some minor adjustments can get you on track!

Keep your head up! You can, you will. -Ces



NOTE// This post is meant as encouragement & quick tips, and not meant as a substitute for professional advice or council from a certified personal trainer. 

from Blog – Hero Fitography

InstaBAM [via Instagram] I want to extend another thanks to everyone who’s wished Delva a happy birthday. She has been all smiles and I can tell she feels special. That’s important when you have a birthday 48 hours after Christmas. We had a small dinner and not everyone could make it -that’s TOTALLY FINE. But thanks again for taking time to reach out to her. She treats me better when she’s happy. Lol.
PS// a couple people didn’t like their steaks from Tavern on Main… but my salmon was FIRE

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